Recommended SS amplifiers for Aesthetix Calypso?

My new Aesthetix Calypso is not playing nice with an existing Anthem A5 amplifier... my ProAc Studios are sounding thin and a bit bright. Things improve significantly when I swap in a BAT integrated running in preamp mode. I think I have synergy/impedance issue as I had a challenge getting a Cary preamp to sound right with this amp previously.

Curious what other amplifiers Calypso users/owners have had success with? I am going to need to buy a 5 channel or a 2 and 3 channel amplifier as this is a mixed HT/2-channel audio system. I like a more laid back sound and have found the ProAcs very unforgiving on "bright" equipment. Thanks for any suggestions...

Showing 1 response by hivision

I had used Ayre V5x with Calypso to drive Focus Audio FS-888 (90db/1w/meter 4ohms). They produced excellent sound; had a touch of that magic tube sound.

Now, I am using a pair of Marantz 9. AMAZING!