Record Cleaning Machine

Would like recomendations on machines.

Showing 1 response by hassel

I wonder where the myth of alcohol damaging vinyl came from. I have never seen, read about, or experienced anything of the sort. I still, in addition to using a Nitty Gritty, play my records wet, with the Swiss-made Lencoclean system, and I have done so for nearly 30 years. The only thing is that you should do is to use high-purity ethanol and two-times-distilled water for cleaning, or playing wet. I have tried all the fancy new liquids, LĀ“Art du Son included,with the Nitty Gritty, and I could not really tell a diffrence to my own alcohol-water-liquid. Not one of my records ever suffered from damage, instead they are in much better shape of my friends, whose records are often much more worn.