Record Cleaning Machines: Hannl or Typhoon

I have been using a VPI HW-17 for about 25 years. It works great but the noise is getting to me. Does anyone have experience with the Hannl Mera or the VPI Typhoon? Don
Can anyone who owns a Typhoon post a picture of the inside? I'd like to see how close the design is to the HW-17.

I had a vpi before but after I bought an Audio Desk Systeme Vinyl cleaning machine I'll never go back to vacuum.
You can't use a wash cycle solution and rinse cycle with the Audio Desk though.

Does it even clean 10" discs?
I went from a VPI 16.5 to a Hannl Micro EL (which in most ways is like the newer Mera minus the mounted brush/fluid pump). It's an incredibly well-made and versatile machine offering changes in speed (slower for vacuum/faster for brushing) as well as reversal of direction. Distribution in the US seems to be in flux - but it seems an ex-pat, Paul Morris, is now responsible for global distribution via AMF in France ( Through e-mail conversation he seems like a very nice guy - and is hoping to def expand Hannl's business. I was directed to him by Hannl when seeking out where to buy a Circular Brush (Rundbürste). It seems availability is a challenge. Hopefully Paul's appearance at CES (and incidentally a video dem on this site) will open up more domestic availability.
I like microfiber looking brush on the Hannl, what some company needs to do is make what serious record collectors and archivists really need. A machine with two separate microfiber brushes and two separate vacuum wands/motors so that a wash and rinse cycle can be completed without having to start and stop the turntable and switch brushes and wands back and forth manually all the time.

One can dream.