It behooves me to have about half or more of my LP collection in our basement, because I have an entirely separate audio system also in the basement, which is finished like anyone’s living room. Generally, the LPs in the basement stay in the basement and are played on that system. LPs on the first floor are played on the first floor audio system, by and large. Of course, if I am listening to one of the two systems, and I develop a desire to listen to one particular LP that is on another level of our home, I use the stairs and get it.
I actually don’t think I qualify as a hoarder, by normal standards if not by your standards. About 6 years ago a dear friend of mine passed away. He had 6000 LPs, and his wife offered me my pick of his collection, or all of it if I wanted. I picked out about 900 of his LPs, and she gave the remainder away to a charity. A hoarder would have taken them all. I also don’t think I am much of a "collector", in the sense that a collector would want to accumulate "collectible" LPs. We know what those are. I rarely buy any LPs at all these days, but if I do it will only be for the music, regardless of the label, rarity, or codified collector value. That has always been my modus operandi.