I also agree the rectifier is important.
Mullard 5AR4 have set the standard for both sound quality and reliability. Look at how many are still in use, and the prices they command.
Based on Marty's recommendation, I may give the Gold Lion's a try. So far, for new production, I've tried Sovtek, JJ, and Shuguang. As usual, skip the Sovtek. JJs sound great, and a good choice if you don't want to pay for Mullard sound quality. I just wish they were more durable, as they easily arc over, then it's time for a new one. Shuguangs don't sound nearly as good, but have proven exceptionally rugged.
Mullard 5AR4 have set the standard for both sound quality and reliability. Look at how many are still in use, and the prices they command.
Based on Marty's recommendation, I may give the Gold Lion's a try. So far, for new production, I've tried Sovtek, JJ, and Shuguang. As usual, skip the Sovtek. JJs sound great, and a good choice if you don't want to pay for Mullard sound quality. I just wish they were more durable, as they easily arc over, then it's time for a new one. Shuguangs don't sound nearly as good, but have proven exceptionally rugged.