Red dawn vs SPM

I just sold my red dawns and
interested in the SPM's. Whats the
performance difference?
The original Red Dawn was miles apart. The new Red Dawn RevII is much improved and a lot closer but the SPM still has more mid bass and mucicality IMHO.
I have been told that the Red Dawn Rev. 2 is a much better sounding cable than the original Red Dawn and almost approaches the performance of the SPM for far less money. Also, I have to disagree with Ericbee. Red Dawn is not at the bottom end of the Nordost line. Only the SPM and the fantastic Valhalla are above the Red Dawn Rev. 2.
I have both Red Dawn and SPM in my system, they are more alike than different. The SPM are a more detailed cable but the Red Dawn is quite good. I have the Red Dawn Rev 11 speaker cable and when I spoke with Nordost than said the Rev 11 is probably 90 percent of the SPM and in my experience in my system I agree.
I have to agree w/ Sugar & Ericbee - though less vehemently. Buy used, but certainly SPM is recommended over R-Dawn, even its newer version (judging by my, and a number of other systems). Also, strangely, SPM seems more system friendly than R-Dawn... whatever.