Reel to reel

Looking for a recommendation on a 3 head (playback what has just been recorded) reel to reel

just need two channel

maybe direct drive

may be teac or akai?


Pioneer RT-707 or RT-909. I have had both, rock solid build quality and good sound. Currently have a RT-707 in my garage system and use it all the time with my homemade tapes.

+1 on the Pioneers. TEAC is good too, but currently overpriced due to a recent uptick in interest in TEAC and TASCAM machines.  

I have an RT707 I would sell but it needs maintenance and I can't find anyone qualified. So it sits in the closet. 

Checkout this site and scroll down to see if you find a place close to your location.

Reel to Reel Repair