Reel to Reel decks

Is anyone out there using reel to reels anymore? I remember at one time(30 years ago), they were probably some of the best analog reproduction equipment out there. Of course, it doesn't matter much if you can't buy good prerecorded tapes. I've googled prerecorded tapes, but haven't found much out there. Anyone have a good source? Also, can anyone recommend a good deck?
I don't think I'll be taking that walk among the musicians after all. It seems that a used reel of the Maxell tape mentioned above is about $65. Extra if you want it bulk erased. That walk is a little too rich for my blood.
Mitch4t, I'm with you. I bought that tape ages ago retail. There is no way I would pay what they are asking, and it's not even new.
When it comes to reel to reel I know nothing. Could you people tell me which one would sound better, assuming the same model of course - two track at 7.5 ips or four track at 15 ips? In other words, speed or tape width?
Inna, I would pick two track at 7.5. Somehow the image seems bigger with two track.
The best is 15/ 2 track, but not too many soft wear to choose tape project or record your own, next 7.5/ 2 track, you still can get some pre-recorded tapes from E-bay, sound recording quality very good but 30 to 40 years old stuff depend how it keep. 7.5/4 track, more tapes in the market, good sound as vinyl's sound. 3.75/4 track, still better than CD