REF 3 In My System?

I was just offered a great opportunity on an ARC Ref 3. I had an LS-26 at one point and loved it and always wondered what the Ref 3 was all about. This is a great chance to scratch that itch. I'm wondering, from an impedance matching perspective, how it might work in my system. The ARCDB lists the specs for the Ref 3 as having an input impedance of 120K Bal/300K SE (I would be using SE inputs) and the output impedance as 600ohms Bal/300ohms SE (I would be using balanced outs). My amp is the Modwright KWA150, my CD player an Esoteric X-03se and my phonostage the Herron VTPH-2. I don't have the stats on the Modwright handy but the Herron has an output impedance of 500ohms. Not sure how Ref 3 would be "viewed" by my other components. Can anyone offer advice? Anyone use the Ref 3 in concert with the Modwright or Herron products?

I've got to move pretty quickly.....
ARC CD8 , ARC Ref 110 power amp , Nola viper Ref 3 speakers . Tried two different speaker cables first was MIT O2 and Cardas , don't recall the model .
Thanks Tim, in speaking with ARc they claim the LS27/REF5 deliver a more controlled bass and quieter transmission of the signal. They claim the new power supply design is the main contributer to areas of gain. It is interesting to read an "ears-on" comparison. I have had the Ref3 in my home and would be pleased to own one, my LS26 has served me well in musical terms. As the LS27 is 7000 and the Ref3 seems to be in the 52-5800 price range, it is close enough to warrant investigation before investing.
Thank You for sharing.
What's the advantage of using tubes if the product sounds like a solid state design. I'm assuming there is a real advantage.
I agree , if your going to built tube amps , why not build them to sound like tube amps . Is the lessoning of tube sound partially do to the never ending search for neutrality and perfect balance ?