Ref. 3a , GMA & Tyler compare ?

Based on my last thread , I am taking your advise and looking for a monitor speaker for my small (10 X 11 ft.) room . The Ref 3a De Capo i, GMA Calisto and Tyler Linbrook Signature monitors have come up in my searches the most . I would like to know their different characteristics .
I will be using them in the nearfield , sometimes at low listening levels , sometimes at high levels and for long periods of time with various types of music . I would like the versatility of being able to use tubes or SS amps. It would be great if these could grow with my system as it matures and evolves .
All of you have been very helpful in the past and I am quite thankful .

Thank you .
>> 05-17-06: Newbee
>> Contrary to what Bombaywalla sez (and I don't note that
>> he sez he has actually listened to Linbrooks)...

Just to clear the record, Newbee, I "ASKED" - there is a "?" at the end of that statement I wrote in my post. If you missed it, read my orig post again.
If you want to have a discussion (& not an argument!) then quote people the correctly rather than twisting their words to the derogatary.

Sorry I caused you offense, however I thought your statement about the Linbrooks implied that you had heard them and that you found them soft and warm - then tried to create an anology to tube amps from the 70's and 80's. I find it easy to avoid such ambiguity by simply saying right up front, as I did in this post, that I have or haven't listened to a speaker. There are too many folks commenting on stuff they have never heard, let alone hearing it under controlled circumstances where in reasonable conclusions could be drawn.

That you find the Calisto's not to be bright as described by Drsaid could be 1) that they are not bright, 2) that you have heard them with amplification which was carefully chosen to reveal them at their best, or that you heard them in a room for which they were carefully chosen, or far more likely you just like their sound and find that sound to be ideal.

Recommending them based on you personal opinion is fine as well, but IMHO drawing conclusions, whether or not you put a ? mark at the end of your sentence, about what the sound of another speaker may be, is not. It can easily lead folks astray.
First off, the GMAs are not "bright" sounding speakers IMO. They are *more* bright than the Linbrooks, however.

The Linbrooks are not "warm tubey sounding" speakers either. They are warmish but they are rare in the way that they don't mask the detail of the music. They are also incredibly fast and dynamic.

As for the question as to whether the guy auditioning with me bought the GMAs... The answer is "no." That said, he definitely liked them plenty (as did I). Like I said, it all comes down to individual tastes.

Good luck,

>> That you find the Calisto's not to be bright as
>> described by Drsaid could be 1) that they are not
>> bright, 2) that you have heard them with amplification
>> which was carefully chosen to reveal them at their
>> best, or that you heard them in a room for which they
>> were carefully chosen, or far more likely you just like
>> their sound and find that sound to be ideal.

Newbee: (1) I & whole lot of others are in agreement that Callistos are *not* bright. I feel that Drseid, who is the 1st one to use "bright" for these speakers, is using the wrong adjective to describe its sound. I have a strong hunch that "vivid" is a better adjective in comparison to the Linbrooks. Drseid correct me if I'm wrong.
Even after hearing the speakers using the incorrect adjective can lead people astray!
(2) I don't know if the amplification was chosen to "reveal them at their best". The amp was an EDGE amplifier. it was a very modest box that was *not much bigger* than, say, a Linn Ikemi chassis.
(3) re. the room I can say that it was one of the most humble & inconspicuous type of rooms. This room doubles as the office so there are work desks, computers, printers, faxes in there. the walls were the usual drywall & it had a false ceiling. In an attempt to treat the room a bit, there was 1 ASC tube trap in between the speakers. There were tube traps at the 1st reflection points. There was a large board (MDF or ply, I cannot remember) that was propped against the wall behind the speaker to reduce the drywall moving in-out w/ the bass. This is old contruction & is essentially a warehouse. The speaker sounded superb in this room! That was the most commendable part of the auditioning. I could see no gimmicks in the room to make the speaker sound good.
(4) True, I do like the GMA sound. I also like several speakers in the PBN Montana line & also Selah Audio's Excel Array speakers. The PBN Montana speakers all have a slot transmission front porting yet they seem to be engineered correctly for good sound. The Selah Audio speaker is a sealed box. Some GMAs are sealed & all the present offerings are ported. So, my preferences transcend ported-sealed speakers. In short, when I hear a good sounding speaker, I like it brand not withstanding.

Re. "idiot proofing" one's post: yes, it seems that we have a bunch of people here who are just trigger-happy to fire of a post reading what they want from somebody else's post rather than reading what is *actually* written there.
OK, next time I'll "idiot proof" my posts.