My apologies Teajay, your info about XA100 and X350.5 was actually very useful. . . and a little depressing, as the implication may be that if I ever acquire MG 20.1 I may need to by amp them, keeping my Rowlands 7M on the bottom, with XA100 or similar at the top. . . which shall certainly cause She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed to come down on me with a bloody axe, or perhaps even with a rusty draguinasse! I'd love to discuss, but may be not on this thread.
On X-01 vs X-01 LTD, I have heard both, on the same system, but not during the same session. I have the suspicion that the difference may be relatively significant. Ltd seems to have even greater grace, authority detail, and musicality than original X-01, but until Babybear and I get both units on the same system for a good comparison session, I can only give educated memory driven impressions. On P03/D03 vs X-01 Limited, my experience is solely hearsay by dereferencing. I have heard from one experienced listener who is familiar with both models in very similar systems, but not played in an a/b situation. They appear to favor X-01 over P03/D03: the combo may be perhaps sweeter, or slightly euphonic, while the X-01 may have an edge in detail, authority and realism. Yet, until I have the opportunity of trying things for myself, I will truly not know even my own brand of totally subjective truth.
On X-01 vs X-01 LTD, I have heard both, on the same system, but not during the same session. I have the suspicion that the difference may be relatively significant. Ltd seems to have even greater grace, authority detail, and musicality than original X-01, but until Babybear and I get both units on the same system for a good comparison session, I can only give educated memory driven impressions. On P03/D03 vs X-01 Limited, my experience is solely hearsay by dereferencing. I have heard from one experienced listener who is familiar with both models in very similar systems, but not played in an a/b situation. They appear to favor X-01 over P03/D03: the combo may be perhaps sweeter, or slightly euphonic, while the X-01 may have an edge in detail, authority and realism. Yet, until I have the opportunity of trying things for myself, I will truly not know even my own brand of totally subjective truth.