What did you end up doing?
Rega Brio R or Jolida 301RC
Essentially a newbie in the process of putting together a budget system. I recently picked up a set of Paradigm Atom v6 speakers. I am pretty much set on purchasing a used PS Audio Digital Link III, since my primary source will be a PC. I have a cheap Technics CD player and Turntable as part of my current hand me down system. I have some vinyl but listen to it rarely. I primarily listen to rock, jazz and bluegrass. I like the half case size of these amps because I have limited space. The Jolida is appealing because it is 1/2 the price of the Rega, and I am intrigued by tubes. The Rega has more power, a phono stage, and is supposedly a great value. However it is at the very top of my price range. I appreciate your thoughts.
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