Rega P-2 turntable: Best cartridge match for $ 200

I am considering the new Rega P-2.turntable.... Need some feedback about the overall sound quality of this table. Is it a good value at $545?? Also, what cartridge in the $200-250 range would be best suited to its tonearm mass and resonance?? Would the Denon DL103 high output moving coil or the Shelter 201 MM be a good match??? Thanks Jim
If you're set on the P2 I would definitely agree with everything Viridian said. My 2 cents would be to shell out another $50 and go for either the Grado Reference Platinum or the Sumiko Blue Point No. 2 high-output MC. If you have a Grado dealer in your area you can usually get a better deal in-store than from Needle Doctor or any other online store. For instance, the dealer in my town is selling the Reference Platinum for $280. That is an absolutely unbeatable cart for that price.
06-26-08: Xiekitchen
For the Rega P-2 I would consider a Rega Cart.
Having heard a Rega Exact on a Rega P7 in a pro setup at my local vinyl store, and now owning an AT150MLX on an SL1210 M5G, I'd have to say that the AT150MLX is *at least* the Rega Exact's equal, at a little over 1/3 the price. In fact, the AT150MLX reminded me a lot of the Exact, and I mean that in a good way.