Rega P25 cartridge upgrade

Hi all, 

I would appreciate your advice and opinions regarding a cartridge upgrade for my Rega P25.

My current system:
- Rega P25 with Grado Prestige Gold.
- Marantz PM6004 
- Neat Iota speakers (

I listen to a broad range of music from electronic to jazz to rock.

The Grado Gold came with the Rega when I bought it used a few years back and unfortunately the stylus appears to have been bent during a recent house move (dont ask...). I thought it would therefore be a good time to upgrade the cartridge. 

I'm using the phono stage on the Marantz amp which is listed as only compatible with MM. Music is important to me and I'm keen for a great sound but dont think I've got time to get lost in exploring MCs and phono stages etc currently so feel like a good quality MM would be sufficient. Looking to spend £200-300 max.

A few potential options I've discovered:

- Ortofon 2M Black
- Goldring 1042.

Any thoughts or experience would be appreciated. 


Hi Thom, I can tell you with the utmost certainty that if your looking for a big upgrade in sound from a cartridge, look no further than the Dynavector 10X5. This is a high output MC cartridge that will work fine with a MM phono input/stage. All I can say is get ready to jump!

I own a J.A. Michell Gyro SE (third gen Techno arm) with a Dynavector 20x2L. I progressively arrived here after using a REGA P3/24 (RB301 tonearm) with a 10X5 and it is one of the best combos i can remember hearing. Also, i used the 10X5 on a Pro-Ject Xtension 10, and sold this table to my brother which he still uses to this day.

Matt M                    

P.S. Also, Ill mention I use a Manley Labs Chinook phono pre amp, my brother uses a Musical Surroundings Nova II.
@mofimadness As a former P3-24/Exact 2 owner, I do agree there are better cartridges available. But with no VTA I just didn't want to experiment with other cartridges and deal with shims. It seemed to be a big PIA. My thought was that with the OP's modest system the simplicity of a Rega cartridge was the way to go.
 But with no VTA I just didn't want to experiment with other cartridges and deal with shims. It seemed to be a big PIA. My thought was that with the OP's modest system the simplicity of a Rega cartridge was the way to go.

Good point!  
Thanks for the suggestions.

Does anyone have experience with the Goldring?

@ericsch good point re the simplicity of using a Rega cartridge. Presumably the TT currently has a shim with the Grado? How much of a faff is it likely to be setting up a non Rega cartridge? Any recommended  reading on how to do this?  I'm keen to commit time to it if it opens up options of better cartridges than the Rega.

Thanks al