Rega P5 w/Denon 103R what should I upgrade to?

Hello I'm looking to upgrade my current cartridge a Denon 103R on my REGA P5. I'm using a fully modded Jolida P9 into a Cayin AT50 tube amp. My sound is very nice but missing some separation at the upper levels. I listen to mostly Jazz , blues and vocals. Thanks for any advise and love hearing about your journeys as i'm kinda at a disadvantage as this is my first table and cart. Thanks in advance
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@viridian, you're right but by using a "heavy weight" in the back and a head weight up front you effectively change the mass of the Rega arm while keeping all it's goodness... or at least that what works for me. YMMV
Vortrex - We get it, you don't like Rega turntables. Your posts on any Rega turntable question are non-productive and self serving.

To the OP - Dynavectors are great choices or the Rega Exact 2 if you want to go MM. Also make sure your P5 is on a light but rigid stand, not solid or dense as it will rob the table of it's intended lively sound.
I tried a 103R in my Linn LP12 with a Rega RB300 arm and in my Denon DP 61F and while it was very good I much prefer the Audio Techinca 33 PTG to the 103R in either setup. Not a put down of the 103R but if you search the archives you will find a number of folks who feel the AT is a substantial step up from the Denon.
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