Rega RB1000 and VTA Adjustment

I only listen to vinyl and my analog system consists of a Rega P9 table, Rega RB1000 arm, Shelter 501 cart and Klyne System 6 phono stage. Rega tonearms do not allow for the possibility of VTA adjustment so I assumed that I did not need it. I thought everything sounded great... but last week I purchased spacers to adjust the VTA of the Rega tonearm to the specs of my cartidge.

The change in the sound and musicality of my system is astounding. Imaging and detail have greatly improved. Speakers seem to disappear and there is no background noise. This hobby is the best (except for flyfishing and skeet shooting ofcourse)

I did not believe that VTA adjustment could make a difference on my table. Now the problem is that I want to see what the Shelter 90x cart will sound like on the P9.

Anyone else install spacers under their Rega arms and get the same effect?

Very interesting and logical tweeks.
All that stuff can add resonance!
I bet it is very minimal and sleek looking, as you say.
I have a Rega 300 and I had this idea for a semi adjustable VTA rig. I picked up a second locking nut on Ebay and I plan to screw it on above the arm board and the original nut on below the arm board. I can then loosen the bottom nut and screw the top nut up or down to adjust and then retighten the bottom nut. I haven't got around to doing this yet (this particular turntable is apart at the present time) but I thought the concept would work. Anyone ever try this?

Not a skeet shooter, but a dedicated trap shooter.
Thanks for the reference on Van Den Hul article. I will check it out.
The Schroeder uses a Rega mounting scheme. After some research and exchanges with Thom, Rep for Schroeder, I think I can mount the Schroeded arm to the P9 with little effort and no scars should I sell the 9.
I can't afford a new TT at this time so I say go for the arm for now, especially after reading the post on P9 tweaks. Thanks Kate. I have very much enjoyed the P9 with the RB1000 but I feel I need to take the next step. VTA and all.
I will post when the Schroeder arrives.

I started fishing in the Catskills many years ago. I loved it but salltwater is awesome and down here its year round.
Also shot skeet for several years. Too many hobbies. Had to boil it down.
Docsavage: Having too many hobbies leads to having to make life altering decisions. Should I buy the Shelter 90X cart or a Rizzini over/under 20 gauge or a bamboo rod or a Hardy reel or should I go to Montana to fish....

At this point I need to hit the powerball. Life would be so much easier if I just was into vinyl.


There are many ways to skin this cat. Your idea is simple, effective and inexpensive.

There are of course several afermarket VTA adjusters for Rega arms. Some simply thread on to the post, sit above the armboard and function exactly as you described. The Origin Live one is similar to your idea, though it's probably more expensive.

Others are thinner than a Rega mounting nut, which means the arm's base position is not raised up so much. Whether this is good or bad depends on how far your arm needs to be raised.

One of the cleanest designs is the Expressimo. It's not only quite thin, raising the arm by less than .5mm at the lowest setting, it also extends down the post into the mounting hole by 1/2" or more. This helps keep the arm post from wobbling about, but may require reaming out the mounting hole a bit.

There are quite a few others, including Pete Ruggle's VTAF (search ebay or Audiogon) and the Teres VTA adaptor. These are more functional, but of course they're more expensive too.