Rega tonearms using plastic bearings

Just came across this on Igus website as I use some igus bearings in linear applications at work.....

I have a Rega P-5 with RB700 that I rarely use as I prefer my Thorens 125 mk II & 160 considerably more.
I just thought this was interesting info on new bearings. If this is old news I apologize as it’s new to me.

Two companies using Si3N4 (Silicon Nitride) ball bearings in their arms are Audiomods and Helius Designs, both UK firms. Helius designer/maker Geoffrey Owen is familiar with Si3NR balls bearings, as they are used in the telescopes installed in the Space Shuttle, a project he was involved in (his other job is that of a rocker scientist ;-).
I was just surprised that work and hobby intersected.
I am a Maintenance Tech for a welding fabrication manufacturer in the O & G market.
Not often do my suppliers have anything to do with audio. Although I once got a screaming deal on 2 Jelco tonearms from a salesman;)
thanks for the replies