Reimyo CDP vs EMM Labs/Meitner

Has anyone compared the performance of these two excellent CD player combos???
I follow you now Dgad. My question arose from this statement, "The Reimyo on the CD layer of my hybrid SACD sounded good but not great. The EMM on the CD layer also sounded good not great. But on the SACD layer it did sound great."
fascinating thread, though the comparison between SACD on the EMM to redbook on the Reimyo is not valid.

If SACD is super important to you, then EMM or DCS separates would be the way to go. If you dont need/want SACD, then the Reimyo, DCS separates, the top Linn, and some would add the Audio Aero Capitole MK II SE (which i own) in the top group of players. Obviously a perfect world would have a single system capable of excelling in both. There are many 'fine sounding' SACD playback systems that suck at redbook. I think everyone would agree that DCS or EMM separates are fabulous redbook players, so as usual, it boils down not to 'better/best' but system and ear-dependent personal preference.

Aside from the extrodinary cost of the dcs and emm separates, I chose my AA player because for me, SACD is just not important enough. I wish i could have acquired the Reimyo for the same price - just not possible, so i went with the AA, and have not regretted it (much better than my Levinson 390S, even though it does not do HDCD)
i have not heard the Reimyo.....but have no doubt it is excellent from all i have heard. as an emmlabs (DAC6/CDSD) owner i can say i have not heard better redbook than thru my emmlabs; particularly with the CDSD......which to my ears, was a huge performance step over the modified Philips SACD 1000 transport.

has anyone actually had the Reimyo and an emmlabs combo with using the CDSD transport in the same system (at the same time) for direct comparison? i have read these various threads but have yet to see this comparison.

perceptions based on hearing them in separate systems is valid but falls short of what i would like to hear about.

i hope the Reimyo is better......i'm all for the SOTA to be advanced.
Hi All,

I have an Accuphase DP-75v which I like very much. I am considering the Reimyo, and the EMM. Has anyone had the opportunity to have the Reimyo and the Accuphase in their system? I am curious what the differences are between them.

I have both the DP75V & the EMM DCC2/CDSD. I listen primarily to redbook. Especially with revealing speakers, the EMM is far better than the Accuphase (which is still very respectable & listenable & smooth). The EMMs have a beautiful saturation of each musical component (vocals & instruments, particularly woodwinds, strings & piano) that is a real joy. Each instrument is in its own space & has its own definite character. The real fun is every recording shows its own individuality, so listening is an adventure. The EMMs do all this while removing edginess & grain (it's magic to my ears). The few SACDs I have are not much better than the redbooks, & I feel like my whole collection has been upgraded to SACD. I formerly had the Phillips & the CDSD is far better in the ways I described above. The Accuphase is very harmonious with a golden glow & good percussion, but does not have the definition of the EMMs.