REL Magic

I have to report this finding as a breakthrough to a new plateau. For the past four years, I have been running two REL Strata III's, one behind each Maggie 3.6R. RELs have always been known for their hook up at the speaker outputs. By this method of integration, REL boasts that their subs somehow lift the entire system. I have always felt this to be true, especially with one for each amp.
But now, I have just completed DIY signal cables for each sub using the same Neutrik connectors into the subs. I used some 16-gauge OCC copper wire by Furutech in the same terminal scheme as the stock cords. As expected, the bass notes are more extended and better defined, but this phenomenon of improving the whole presentation has also appeared again as even more impressive. Everything across the soundscape is just a bit more sweet and clear. If you have not upgraded your REL signal cables, please do.
Imagine I was about to order either the AQ or SR cable and only discovered the Bassline on this thread. That's what makes this a great forum to exchange ideas, learn and enjoy his hobby/affliction

I learn a lot from others here. I am glad to pass on information I think can be helpful.

Now that you've had the Bassline Blue cables for over a week can you go in more detail of what you hear vs. the standard REL cable?
Big Al
I don't think I am anywhere near breakin with barely 10 hrs playtime. The Bassline uses pretty decent gauge copper wire. There is greater clarity in the midrange, bass is tighter and the upper frequencies a wee bit cleaner. I also swapped the fuses in the RELs, the amps and the phono stage with the SR 20s. On current reckoning a pretty good modest investment, definitely recommended. I would add that the original REL cable is pretty ordinary and any half decent copper gauge cable will result in some improvement.
Much appreciate the input Pradeep. I may get a couple of pair of Bassline Blues for my two REL G1s. I use them with my Magico Q5 speakers.
Big Al