REL or Veloydne Subwoofer

I looking for SW to use with my Home Theater System , I have Dynaudio 3.4 with Dynaudio Conture Center Channel. Looking to upgrade my rear channels with the Conture surrounds. I curruntly using Veloydne ULD-12 for sub but
seems Hard to tweek in. I useing a Pioneer Elite Receiver and Rotel 1075 amp but thinking of up grading with a better Processer one of the Newer Rotels.If you have any comments please let me know.

Showing 1 response by iseekheils

The Velodyne HGS 15 and 18 have line level and speaker level inputs and outputs. They also have XLR inputs. There is volume control on the remote, so you have bass management no matter what the source is. They have tremendous power and very low distortion. I heard a couple of subs from Sunfire, Mirage, Rel, and some others, I bought the HGS 15.