Dear @dogberry and gentlemans :Could be good that all of us make an " excersice " asking our self a hypothetical question:
All of us already sold the only one cartridge we owned and now we need to look for a new and better cartridge, so we have several choices about but before we can pull the trigger at least we have to make our self 3-4 questions to be sure the choosed cartridge will be " happy " in each one audio system. Questions for our self in no order:
the choosed cartridge will be a good match with the owned tonearm? no alignment issues in between ?. Btw, I’m with @mijostyn : the tonearm/cartridge is a UNITY.
In the other side we have to ask:
has my phono stage enough clean gain to handle the cartridge? has my phono stage a wide overload range?
I think we don’t need to ask about the TT because the cartridge choice depends mainly on the tonearm/phono stage but not on the TT.
If one of those question has a negative answer then we have to think in a new cartridge choice or in a new tonearm/phono stage.
Cartridge depends 100% of those two audfio system links for that cartridge shows at its best..
For me those will be my priorities .. What do you think, which is yours?
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,