I've owned a couple of different CJ preamps, and as far as those with the built-in phono stages, the 11 is my favorite-I liked it as much as the model that was sort of an 'in between' link from their better 5/8/11 series and thier premier models-the PV9. With almost all CJ preamps, you have to remember that they invert in their phono stages-but otherwise, I'd keep this preamp-maybe go from a tape out into a more modern design-but you'd have to spend some quality dollars to get an outboard phono that matched, in my opinion. Then again, there are a lot of really good outboards these days-and if you're looking to simplfy-then maybe a sale, or trade-in, might go. If it was me-I'd keep/repair it, as long as it was under 400.00 or so to do that.