Replace pwr cord w/IEC socket on vintage gear?

I have thought about this many times, as I own a fair amount of gear from the '80s. Yesterday I picked up a KILLER Heathkit pwr amp, but it has a really wimpy pwr cord. The shop where I bought it will install an IEC socket for 1 hr. labor plus the part. Given that this opens the amp up to the world of better power cords, this seems like an attractive, low-cost upgrade.

Has anybody here done it, and how'd it turn out?
Onhwy61, So, you don't think Heathkit listened to their products? They just built them to specs and got lucky? I don't believe it's a fluke that some vintage equipment sounds better than others especially when "stereo" was actually more accepted than it is now or ever will be.

It it helps there are IEC pigtails that can be purchased.

They use the same or slightly larger hole from the original cord for connection to the internal wiring and allow after market cord connections minimal alteration of the vintage component case. The cord connects externally at the end of a short pigtail.

I modded a pair of Dynaco mono amps with them. Not easy to find but they do exist.
"With vintage equipment it is more important to make sure the polarity is correct when you plug it into the wall outlet"

power cords on stock vintage gear can be plugged into an outlet either way theres no difference in the size of the prongs like on modern cords. it dose not matter which way they are plugged in. im talking about 60s and earlier not 80s which i dont consider vintage.

its up to the owner which way to go IMO those as mentioned 16/18 gage power cords do not do justice to those fine music making machines from the golden age of audio. if its the music and not collecting thats important i go with an iec every time.
Paying near $90 for IEC + spending another $100 for aftermarket powercord isn't worth effort. Having IEC will just be another contact connection instead of solid joint wire. DIY is OK if you're savyy. If powercord is bad, than you can replace it with one having same parameters from either partsexpress or digikey. There are ones for audio applications shielded that would do great job for less money.
Johhnyb53, I had to make this same decision with my ARC D70Mk2. I went with all stock and I'm glad i did. A friend who bought a D115 Mk2 changed out the stock cord with an IEC and a Shunyata and also changed the speaker cable strips to the newer Cardas connectors along with the RCA's. For some reason, we both were very disappointed with his results! The amp seemed to loose some of its ability to portray depth and a little of its punch in the bottom end. A big surprise as we both thought that these areas would likely be improved. My friend then tried to sell the amp and found out that the market was calling for a non-modified unit and so he ended up selling for a little less than hoped for..:0(