Replacement for 802 D3s

Hey all,

After living with them for a few months, I'm looking to replace my B&W 802 D3s. While they offer great detail and soundstage, the sound is too bright and thin for our space. My room is fairly large (roughly 20'x30') and the speakers are on the long wall. The rest of the system includes...

Mac c2700 & MA 462
Aurender ACS100
VPI Prime Signature

The speakers I'm considering (and about to start auditioning) include...

KEF Blades
Paradigm Persona 9H
Wilson Audio Sasha DAW

I'm also considering Revel & Harbeth from a local dealer and am trying to find a dealer to demo Sonus Faber Amati Traditions and Il Cremonese.

I would be interested in any perspective from people who have owned any of these speakers and lived with them in their system for some time. Whatever we end up with has to not only sound great, but also look fantastic in a contemporary aesthetic.

Many thanks for any feedback...

Audiovector R6 Arreté . Beautyfull African Rosewood Piano.
Fantastic reviews. Your Mac gear should tame the AMT tweeter
Need some room to breath.

Based on your comments, if I were you, I'd strongly look at Audio Solutions, either Figaro L, Figaro XL, or Virtuoso S, M, or L.  I heard the Virtuoso M at RMAF, and they are what I would call neutral, certainly not bright speakers.  They don't call attention to any part of the frequency range, and they also have great dynamic capabilities.

My speaker replacement budget is up to $50k
You don't need $50k to fix a bright speaker. Get an EQ for 50 bucks.

@islandmandan I love the history of Tannoy and the design is stunning. I would love to rock out with one of the bigger (Canterbury / Westminster)...guessing neither of them would have difficulty "loading" my room. Unfortunately, they don't fit the aesthetic at all. I'm also locked in to the long wall orientation.
@maxwave love the aesthetics and reviews of the S6, but would need the S8 to properly fill my space...bit out of my price range.