Sansui SR-222 mK IV Stylus replacement (GLANZ MFG 11T Replacement)

Hi there,

Im looking for a replacement stylus for my Sansui SR-222 mK IV and have struggled to find another version of its existing one, the GLANZ MFG 11T.

Anyone have any suggestions where i can find one or a suitable alternative? The record deck is still using its original cartridge.

Thanks in advance for any help,

You can find on ebay, Glanz, Astatic, Jamo, Azzurra - they are all made by Mitachi Corporation and all styli are interchangeable. Look for Line Contact (the best) or at least for Elliptical. But I don't think you can buy the stylus without the cartridge. 
Thanks for the reply.

I've contacted a few places and it does seem as though buying a new cartridge would be best.

Any specific model numbers you could recommend?
Personally i prefer Galnz MF61, the lower models are much cheaper and you can find Glanz topic here on audiogon. Maybe Glanz 310 or 610 are still available on ebay from Japan, those two are the best you can buy now.   
Thanks for the recommendations, it gives me something to look for in the future.

In the meantime, this seems to have the same connection and screw mount, would it be compatible:

Some people seemed to accuse the Audio Technica of lacking in the mid range.

Another option I looked at was this at a local store:

Thanks again