Replacement for Lyra Titan i

Hi , My Lyra Titan i stylus broke today while cleaning and looking for replacement . I am using Lyra Delos which i purchased long time back which i never used, but did not like the sound when i comapare to Titan i  .  What would be a best cartridge comparable to "Titan i" ?
My System is

SME 20/3Graham Phantom Supreme IIARC Preamp /AmpsVandersteen 7

Just saw a new thread over in MISC titled "Good Ole Boys Club"
Talk about timing

Gotta get back to my learning experience now.


i have the lowly Delos but in the system with my 7’s
might I suggest a call on Tuesday to Bruce at Stereo Unlimited in San Diego
he is Lyra and Vandersteen dealer and I believe will steer you well
Brice personal LPcollection is 10 K deep he is truly an analog junkie :-)
best to you

my opinion on rebuild by non own is Never on a Lyra

as you know cool Center is aligned for suspension preloaded at recommendation for tracking force NOT at the relaxed unloaded position

just my $.02

I hate spell correction 

cool should be coil as in moving coil

in Lyra the coils are aligned only when recommendation for tracking force applied
Dear @veerapaneni : Of course that Lyra can refurbish that Titan i for you.

You can too ask if they can take your Titan in a change for the Etna or other of its newer cartridge designs that includes the Kleos too.

You can email directly to the Lyra designe/0wner here:

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,