Replacement for Monitor Audio RX6

Looking to upgrade my speakers and asking for suggestions. Moved away from 5.1 and looking for 2 channel only. My set up will be

Monitor Audio RX6 in black gloss
OPPO 105,
Rotel RMB 1075

I mostly listen to CD or streaming music and also require speakers to give wide sound stage as use for movies sometimes.

Any recommendations?

How about PSB Synchrony .

Looking to spend no more than $2500 used. Are the speakers the weakest link or does the power amp need changing?

My room is 15 by 15, wood floors and i prefer a warmer sound.

Thanks for advice in advance
Your current speakers are pretty good. Maybe consider getting a nice active preamp instead.

"Looking to spend no more than $2500 used. Are the speakers the weakest link or does the power amp need changing?"

The weakest link will be determined by your personal taste and how well you match your equipment. Any piece in the system can be the weakest link.

With your current system, is there anything you are trying to fix? Something you're unhappy with? If there is, that will help a lot with recommendations.
Thanks for response do far. I think the MA are a good speaker for the money and i had been not just running with Rotel power amp but a Marantz AV 7005. Overall I like the sound, only downside the MA can play a little on bright side but that's being picky. However as any audioholic always looking to improve. So is it the speakers or new amp I need to get even better sound.

Maybe some ideas around amp or speakers. Also if i do upgrade will it really be much better? Hard where I live to audition anything except at Best Buy lol.

Has anyone heard Sonus Faber Venere 2.5? Love the style but what is sound like. Looking for even more fuller sound, richer base and open sound stage etc

So suggestions if to go speakers or amp? And ideas

Thanks in advance
I don't think its the speakers or the amp that is making you second guess the sound your getting from your system.

It's using a Marantz Pre-Pro as your pre-amp thats your problem as this is the weak link. It was designed for multi-channel sound decoding and processing. The 2 channel pre-amp section in your Marantz, even in pure direct mode, is merely an afterthought by the manufacturer. You said your moving away from multi-channel and going 2 channel only, right? So get a component designed to do 2 channel stereo - get a true stereo pre-amp!

Good luck brother.