Replacement for Monitor Audio RX6

Looking to upgrade my speakers and asking for suggestions. Moved away from 5.1 and looking for 2 channel only. My set up will be

Monitor Audio RX6 in black gloss
OPPO 105,
Rotel RMB 1075

I mostly listen to CD or streaming music and also require speakers to give wide sound stage as use for movies sometimes.

Any recommendations?

How about PSB Synchrony .

Looking to spend no more than $2500 used. Are the speakers the weakest link or does the power amp need changing?

My room is 15 by 15, wood floors and i prefer a warmer sound.

Thanks for advice in advance
If you are considering a preamp, consider a new($1495) Onkyo 3000 reference series. Comments have been very positive regarding the entire Onkyo reference series components. I would hold off on new speakers. With the preamp being the strongest link you will have a better idea if your amp/speakers meet your needs. You never mentioned speaker cables/interconnects/power cords. Look into Signal Cable-Silver Resolution series. This will give you a great foundation to consider further upgrades(if desired).
I also think your speakers will reward you for upgrading your amp and preamp. A used Hegel H300 integrated would be close to your price range and would likely provide vast improvements in tonality and overall refinement. Pass Labs may also be worth a look. Best of luck.
"So do you think buying a decent pre amp is a better option than new speakers? Any suggestions of pre amp that would work well with Rotel and Oppo?"

A decent preamp, no. A good preamp, then yes. Some good options (used): Ayre K5, CJ Premier 18, VTL 2.5, BAT 3.
I would opt for a tube based it preamp, intergrated, etc...this will supply some warmth...and older tube like CJ would be an option as well...I have heard many MA speakers and warmth is not an attribute that comes to least to me..they are a former Stereophile B speaker I they can compete with 2k and above speakers

Thanks guys for the input on advice regarding amps etc. I will look at the various options.