Replacement for Nordost Cables in my system?


My system is as follows:
VPI Scout/JMW9 (hopefully upgraded to a VPI Classic soon)
Whest PS.30R Phono Stage
Musical Fidelity A5CR Pre Amp
2xMusical Fidelity A3CR Power Amps bi-wired
ProAc D15 Speakers
Nordost Red Dawn Speaker Cable
Nordost SPM/Red Dawn Interconnects

I like my system but I'm a bit disappointed with the slight harshness in the top end, especially in reproduction of sibilance so I'm considering selling my expensive Nordost Cables to replace them with cables that suit my system better. If I spend less then that money would be used for future upgrades.

I listen mostly to Indie and rock/pop
Initial research suggests that VdH may be a better match, any suggestions ?

Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the replies.
I'll have a look at the Jena Labs, I live in Europe where it isn't as easy to demo cables at home.
I agree with your impression of the Nordost. I used Blue Heaven, SPM, and Valkyrja with MF A308 and A5 integrated amps, and always thought the top end was somewhat rough. If ProAc makes speaker cables, try them. If they don't, find out the source for their internal wiring, and try cables from that company. Then use interconnects for the final tweeking. This is what I did, and found myself thinking about new music to buy, instead of what to change in the system.
@Tls49, that's an interesting suggestion, I'll email ProAc.

@ Jdombrow, I'm not sure but neither the Amps nor the speakers are especially bright although many people seem to find Nordost Cables too bright in the "wrong" system.
i also agree that the red dawns (and blue heavens) are a bit harsh on treble (as interconnects, that is).

i have vdh firsts, seconds, "the bay"s, orchids, and digicouplers (some of which i do use as analog interconnects) and i would say that they are all definitely more pleasant on treble in my system than the red dawns were. the orchids are the most extended, the bays are fantastic bang for buck (or, in your case bang for pound or euro), and the firsts and seconds do amazing things for soundstage. i've never tried their speaker cables.

another cable you could try would be the analysis plus solo crystal, they do everything well, both interconnect and speaker.

and mit cables are the definition of "anti harshness" and indeed, my shotgun ma cables are my favorite interconnects i've ever heard (short of the mit oracles at a mind numbing price). even the least expensive non-networked cables sound really good and are very smooth.

i would always qualify my recommendations with a "try before you buy" addendum, though, as i'm sure some cables could sound totally different in other systems, and i've never owned components from the brands you mention....

and is it safe to assume you'll be taking in the action at murrayfield this weekend?