Replacement for Vandersteen 2ce

Hi everyone,
i have found this forum extremely helpful so I’m looking for some opinions on replacement speakers for my Older Vandersteen 2ce speakers. Been trying to do tweaks but wondering if I can improve the imaging and soundstage with something else maybe in the 2-4K region. 
Components are as listed:
Krell Digital Vanguard w/ Shunyata Delta NR PC
Acoustic Signature Triple X
SPL Phonos 
Marantz CD6006 w/ 
Digital from ITunes through RME DAC
Vandys have 15ft Taralabs RSC Primes which I was going to cut in half or replace but if I’m going to buy new speakers I’ll hold off.
I appreciate any help!
I’ve had 2ce’s for many years.
What I have found is they are extremely capable when driven with the right equipment.

Run a good tube preamp - VTL 5.5
Run a good amp - a bit of power - Aragon 4004 mk2
Use reference quality speaker cables & Interconnects - Cardas NR biwire speaker & GP interconnects

Use a good source - VPI / Soundsmith Zephyr cart or CAL Alpha tube DAC

Use some good tubes in your preamp & DAC.

Use a good recording

I had older non reference level cables for a long while, but when changing to reference level cables, the speakers open up.

They are time & phase coherent.

I’ve had Magneplaners prior.

I’ve seen reviews that say essentially these do nothing great but everything right.

When you use the right equipment, I believe they do everything great. They do for me.

Feed them right & I know you will be quite shocked at exactly how amazing these 2ce’s can sound

I like the suggestion of Vandersteen 3 or 3A or 3A Signatures, depending on what you can find. You should get similar but better sound from them.

(I own and use a pair of Vandersteen 4A in  one of my systems)
The latest 3A Sig's have the newest 4 inch reflection free midrange, the same one used in the Treo CT's. I believe this new mid offers the greatest resolution the 3A ever had. IMO.
I found my 2ce’s definitely improved in every way with improvements in the front end, especially the power amp. Moved to a big Bel Canto class D and it made a big difference. Really brought them to life!