Replacing Capacitors, I Don’t Wanna!

Hi All,

I spoke to my speaker tech the other day and he brought up my ASR Emitter II Exclusive amplifier, referring to its age and the number of capacitors I’ll have to replace. I bought it new in 2011 so I expect to get at least another ten years before I’ll have to replace its 50+ capacitors but admittedly, I have little knowledge in this area. Just wondering what others have to say about this and I appreciate your input. Here’s a description of the amp ;


Hey all,

New to the group so thanks for the add.  With your kind indulgence I thought I'd jump into the capacitor pool here and likewise seek the counsel of wiser elders on the subject. (I'm 64 but still... 😬)

I'm building a small system for my kitchen (near-field use, spkrs at far end of kitchen table, about 36" away from head and about 36" apart -- probably far from ideal but my only option here) and got the stubborn, romantic idea into my head to buy my first *vintage* M&K satellites (fabulous Arcam Solo sub provides bottom end).  I went all the way back to the company's start buying pairs of both S-2B and S-3B satellites.  The taller/multi driver S-1B's were my default choice but too tall for this application.  

As these pairs are both from the (probably *early* '80s), we're talking about 40-year-old speakers and assuming they've never been attended to, dried out or leaking caps were a distinct possibility and their replacement advisable/necessary.  In giving them each a listen, the bigger, hardier S-2B's sound just dreadful, as though a blanket's been thrown over them, and although most noticeable in the high end this affliction seems to be across the audio spectrum.  

With the S-3B's, performance is really pretty sublime with the one niggling exception of not being able to hear ride cymbals!  Crash cymbals come through much better.  (I should add that I'm a lifelong drummer and thus particularly attuned to such audible information.  I've also read in various forums that these satellites have small sweet spots but I've bobbed my head left right up down and that doesn't seem to be what's at play here) Other high note details from all(?) other instruments seem totally present.  Weirdly enough, on *certain* recordings (maybe 20%?), the ride cymbals ARE audible -- so this 80/20 split is rather baffling given my main theory of the case regarding caps gone bad.  I recognize that different recordings have varying quality levels but this as an explanation seems improbable though I suppose not impossible?

I haven't cracked open either speaker yet to visually investigate what's happening on the boards but before I proceed with anything I thought I'd elicit thinking from you wise folks about what I'm likely experiencing and what my best path forward is.  Many thanks!

Hey All, Thanks for the input. With twenty eight capacitors per side in the amp. There are an extra two capacitors, if not three, per side. So if two per side end up failing, I can still use the amplifier. I’m not saying I wouldn’t want them replaced but I just wanted to mention that.

Also, mention of possibly having to replace those capacitors in the battery or power supply's is a good point. I was wondering about that myself.

No I don’t want to try to upgrade the capacitors.

If the unit is functioning properly ( no hum, visual inspections indicates no damaged/overheated/discolored caps I would advise against r&ring the caps.  As an experienced electronics hobbyist I've learned that one must be judicious when applying heat to circuit boards.  You observe that there are 50 caps which translates to at least 100 solders connections.  To r&r all of those caps would require at least 200 applications of your soldering tool to various solder joints on the board(s).  If you have a quality precision soldering station with assorted interchangeable tips, patience and a steady hand you might attempt it but only if those caps truly need replacing.  If this were a medical decision then a second opinion would be advisable.  After reading the other posts in response to your query is looks like there is a multitude of second opinions advising, "if it ain't broke don't fix it.

I'm using almost 50yo stuff that has never been touched but cleaning and adjustments. It still sounds wonderful! While some of the capacitors might have drifted, they still should all be in spec. The only way to know is to measure all of them. Doubt you would really even want that done unless something is wrong.

From what I have been told, it's usually the power caps that wear out first. Sadly they are also the most expensive and sometimes hard to find.

Just measured the caps on my crossovers with my 35yo speakers, they were all in spec but all over the place alone with the resistors. But sadly not the same from left to right. I'm going to recap my XO's soon. The reason was the L/R are not sounding the same, right was a little more defined, left was a bit brighter.