Results from Eliminating Anti-Skate

I removed my anti-skate device from my VPI tonearm, and the improvement is nothing short of astonishing. I had anti-skate set very low since the 12 inch tonearm needs very little anti-skate. Naturally in removing the device, I had to reset the arm which may (or may not {I was very carful setting it up before}) account for the difference in sound, but with the elimination of anti-skate, there is much better dynamic contrasts, much better bass, much cleaner and clearer midrange, and sweeter highs. I think that adding anti-skate deadened the sound. Try removing the device....not just setting the gizmo to 0, but remove the entire device and have a listen. I have a VPI Superscout/Classic platter/10.5i/Benz LPS/used in balanced mode.

Showing 3 responses by andyprice44

My table came with the VPI anti-skate device. I don't use it. I did watch Fremer's yturntable setup dvd in which he determined that the VPI anti-skate device applied too much force even at it's lowest setting. I do use the wire twist method suggested by VPI originally but, only slightly. I have no tracking problems or distortion issues. I am very pleased with the results. This is with a classic 1 and a 10.5 inch JMW arm.

My memory was sketchy on that video. Chayro is correct. Fremer did leave the device installed but, without any weights