Since I'm not as handy as Curio, I decided to create a more primitive "device" for flattening warped records using the same principle. I went to a plastics warehouse where they cut sheets of acrylic to order and purchased 3 sheets of 12.5"x 12.5", 3/18 thick acrylic for about $12 a sheet. I bought 3 to be able to do 2 records at the same time to maximize the return on investment, so to speak. I then put a stack of heavy books on top of the acrylic and intend to keep it undisturbed for a month. For some reason I felt uncomfortable stacking records on top of one another, rather than have only one between the sheets of acrylic.
I could have also bought thinner sheets and save a few bucks per sheet but 3/18 seemed just the right thickness for the job. It doesn't look pretty, but it's in the bedroom by my side of the bed in the corner of the room so my better half acquiesced...I'll report the results in about 3 weeks.