Focusing solely on your 2-channel needs vis-a-vis your Salon 2s, for these speakers in a room that size you need big solid-state power. My 310 wpc into 8 ohms Plinius SB-301 fills my 5600 s.f. room nicely but I would suggest that amount of power as the bare minimum for your room.
And there are plenty of amps that fit the bill. Among current listings here the Mark Levinson 532H stereo (350 wpc) or 436 monos (also 350 wpc), B.A.T. 600SE stereo (350 wpc), Pass X350.5 (350 wpc) would all do the job. Or you could go for more power with say a pair of Edge NL Signature 1 monos (400 wpc), Karan KAS 400 stereo (400 wpc), Pass x600.5 monos (600 wpc), again all listed here. If you require even more power, there's also a pair of Karan KAM 1200s listed that put out 1200 wpc (!).
I would focus on amps that provide bass weight and control - all that woofer mass needs both to be fed and also well-managed. And the beryllium tweeters are so revealing that I'd suggest avoiding brands known for their brightness, and instead look for those that are slightly rolled off or at most neutral in the high end - I'd think Krell for example might prove a bit fatiguing.
For bi-amping the Salon 2s, you might consider using a solid state Class A amp for the high end and Class A/B for the bottom. There's a Plinius SA-103 Class A amp listed at the moment and lately I've been wondering how a Class A top end might pair with my A/B SB-301...