RevelStudio2 really special or I need to hear more

I have long been a panel fan, whether 'stat or ribbon. I am therefore very sensitive to the boxiness and disintegration of drivers in box speakers. I have been auditioning some box speakers as of late, as I feel I do not hear the boxiness and the disintegration of drivers in the upper range offering. Coming across the Revel Studio2 the other day, driven by all out ML gear, I was quite impress. Although I am never a fan of ML gears, and I could clearly hear the ML sound through the Revel, I was nevertheless impressed with these speakers for their coherency and the correctness of portraying the musical instruments. I have listened to Harbeths, Rockport, ATC etc. and yet I still feel something special about the Revel. Question is, do you yourself find these speakers special, or is it me who have not heard enough of the good offerings? For the latter case, what other box speakers would you recommend that are extremely coherent, natural and boxless sonically? All inputs appreciated.
Your hearing what I do. I currently own the Revel F52 with a PASS x250 amp. These speakers disapear, have and excelelnt sound stage, stagering bass response and very smooth high end. (I do have my room treated). I found the best cabel to be Radio shack Mega #14 bi wired. (I have tried many expensive cables)

This speaker has given me everything These speakers couldnt:
Magnepan MG3.6 with My stands
B&W 801 Matrix III
Spendor SP1/2e
Audio Physics Virgo III
Eminent Tech LFT8a
Usher CP8361 (Forgiot nunber)
Van Shcwekert VR4rj

Others I'v demod
Vandersteen 3a
Harbeth HL5
Wilson Sophia
Piega 10

I cant speak for the Solon but the F52 is in a whole new legue for me
The Studio 2s are indeed pretty special. Most speakers that sound nearly as good, to me, cost more. Like the KEF 207/2, anything YG, anything Magico. I like the B&W 800D/802D for smoothness and definition, but I've never heard them image well. YMMV. But there are so many brands of speakers these days, who can hear them all?

What is the "ML sound"?
What is the "ML sound"?

IMHO, it is a well implemented op-amp sound. Fun to listen to, but a bit artificial and lack of body. This is only my interpretation though.
I have owned the Revel Salons and I have audtioned the Studio2's. I would recommend you check out the Thiel 3.7 at the 10-12K price range.