Reversing hearing loss with regenerative therapy

I saw this article linked from another site and this could be some of the best news of the decade

Link to MIT article

“I wouldn't be surprised if in 10 or 15 years, because of the resources being put into this space and the incredible science being done, we can get to the point where [reversing hearing loss] would be similar to Lasik surgery,


Regrowing hairs is half the story, the other half is hearing degeneration in the nerve bundles. 

I really hope that this isn't just an irresponsible journalist making copy. When it comes to health it's  important to not give people false hope.

I found the following line a little disturbing to read.

"Hair cells die off when exposed to loud noises or drugs including certain chemotherapies and antibiotics."



So what happens if I get ill, do I risk my health or my hearing?

It's all too easy to take good hearing for granted, but it is that important.

Wow thanks for posting.  My issue is tinnitus, so hoping this might help. 

I found the following line a little disturbing to read.

"Hair cells die off when exposed to loud noises or drugs including certain chemotherapies and antibiotics."


So what happens if I get ill, do I risk my health or my hearing?

I have tinnitus caused by antibiotics. Meanwhile, there are usually alternate or equivalent meds which can be substituted. My doctor should have warned me about side effects, I never would have accepted this prescription. Now I'm seeking tinnitus and hearing loss treatments. From now on I'll be using Google to check every medication.