Review on Linear Tube Audio Aero DAC

Hey Gon members,

I just submitted to Stereo Times my review on the new ,and the first, DAC that Linear Tube Audio has just released. For right now I would strongly suggest anyone in the market for a stand alone DAC, regardless of price, consider the Aero. Its build quality, R2R chip set, power supply, internal part selection and the tube based ZOTL analog conversion section leads to one of the most musical and analog type presentations I have heard in the last ten years. Not inexpensive at $3,950, but competes with my reference which sells for $10,000 more. You get a 14 day home . trial. So far no one has returned the Aero after hearing in their system. I go into many details about the Aero in my review, but wanted to give a heads-up for anyone considering a DAC purchase. I believe the Aero is a break through product based on price vs. performance. I'll let you know when the review goes up. Hopefully in the next ten days.


Terajay (Terry London)


Thanks for the heads up, Terry. I'll be upgrading my DAC in the next year or so and this seems like a real contender due to its tonality as you've described it, the return option and the price. 

It's a shame you have to deal with the same tedious accusations of nefarious intent every time you inform us about a new product you've enjoyed.  

Hey teajay! Thanks for posting and your timing in my case is spot on. 

I have been listening to a few DAC's recently and trying to decide if a replacement for my Yggy LIM would make sense.  I have a tubed preamp ( Modwright LS100 ) and not sure what the impact of the LTA Aero with tubes would be - hence the beauty of a home trial period in my system offered by LTA.  I did a recent post about picking up my new Volti Razz speakers from Greg in TN and I had a chance to here the Mojo Mystique X with my speakers and like you loved the sound.  

I look forward to your upcoming review 

Hey Terry, I bought an Aric Audio Preamp following your recommendation and it is great. I now have had the LTA Aero DAC for about two months and I love it. My other two dacs are a Denafriips Terminator and a Mytek Manhattan II and while both are excellent, the Aero is much better. Also a shout out to LTA for it's commendable customer service (Nicholas!!!).

@teajay, really enjoy reading your posts. I am relatively new to this- only about a year. And the first post of yours which influenced me was the one on Coda S5.5. I really wish I could buy it- but here in Dubai, where I am based- not possible. Was tempted when I was in LA last month- but again not sure how to carry it back. Either ways it is a pleasure to read your posts, especially the patience with which you reply to all- and of course like reading your reviews.

I am thinking of getting a DAC, though the Aero might be a bit out of my budget and also not available in/to Dubai. Might end up buying the MHDT Orchid- again basis your recommendations.

@teajay @stuartk fellow CODA S5.5 owner here, yeah I just don't get the logic of someone accusing Terry of nefarious financial motives, when he has a track record of recommending components that the subs here have all verified as stellar IN THEIR OWN SYSTEMS over the course of many years. I guess for some folk there is a conspiracy lurking just about everywhere anxiously waiting to trip them up. I have a Lampizator Baltic V4 - a tube DAC that uses a very different conversion method and output stage than the Aero - and would love to do an A/B comparison, but unfortunately I am tapped out right now, unless Bitcoin actually decides to do something instead of sitting on its you-know-what.