Review: Sony SCD-XA5400ES CD Player

Category: Digital

I love natural recordings that capture the full acoustic envelope of the performances. The Shostakovich Sonatas performed by Ax and YYMa comes to mind...the Sony portrays the entire event in such an unforced and natural manner that it triggers ones acoustic memory into believing it is real. A player that offers no tone color or openness would be my worst nightmare. I replaced my BAT VK D5 24 bit CDP and was amazed at how much resolution and color was lost on the older design. The Sony re-creates the space, music and acoustic tones with overtones so completely that you start to smile and realize that you have been given a great gift...a peak into the performance as it occured at the recording session. My opinion of the Sony applies as much for the redbook section as it does for the SACD section. This player will become a classic product for digital playback....much better it does not get! It's a keeper at any price,,,for $1500 USD it is a freakin steal. This is Sony's best effort to date and manages to break new ground in the digital domain:)

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Who are you talking too disbeliever? This post is in regards to the Sony XA5400ES/Modwright CDP. Some of what you say is true, however, having an intelligently designed tube circuit utilized on the front end of a system can provide for a far more realistic and organic listening experience. I've sat 2 ft from an alto sax/piano/bass trio and I can tell you that an entirely SS system will not reproduce that melt you into your chair feeling. The sax was so sonorous and burnished that it simply made love to my ears....the Modwright XA5400ES get's me real close to that sound.
I go to live classical concerts and jazz clubs, and guess what tubes sound more like the real thing. Go listen to live music and be awakened.
I just put my new Shunyata Python CX pc out of the box on the Sony SCD-XA5400ES.
Although this cord costs me more than the player, it takes it to a entirely new level.
The cable is not at all broken in yet, the soundstage is now beyond and far behind the speakers.
Although the stock powercord gives a lot of detail, with the Python CX the performance improves dramatically, both in the heights, the midrange but especially in the bass-region. Far more details are easily apparent.
The openness and the increased neutrality of the music is astounding.

So I wonder if the modwright should give me the upgrade over the stock-player is in the same league as what the Python CX does over the stock powercord.


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