Even though I'm selling my L12 because I sold my Maggie .7's I couldn't resist purchasing it because of the price -. $539 direct from Rythmik.
Previously I had a small Rel, and a B&W sub - I forget the model.
The Rythmik was, IMHO, as "musical" as the Rel had been. The bass was tight, defined, void of any home-theaterish excess or bloat. The demarcations on the rear for choosing the crossover point are somewhat vague but I positioned it where I thought 40-45hz would be - it's guess work at best. The Maggies low end was 45hz and it worked well enough.
The .7's are excellent speakers. I chose them over the larger and more expensive 1.7i's after comparing them in my local shop. However, my comparing them was done in a much closer listening position in the store than I do at home, thus I felt the need for the sub. It's a good sub and an even better value.
Good luck!