And as I mentioned, some speakers are deliberately hard to drive in the bass, or use smaller-dual woofers which put a strain on amplifiers. When I look at the impedance curves and read about reviewers talking about how "discerning" this speaker is, how easily it could tell the difference between a Boulder XYZ amp and their Onkyo receiver, well, duh. It was made that way.
But this discernment does not make either the amplifier or the speaker more musical. It’s just more demanding.
Yes, I am very much in agreement, Erik. As I and some others (including Shadorne) have said in other threads here, the musical resolution of a component or system, and its ability to resolve differences between components, cables, or tweaks, are two different things. And generally speaking the correlation between the two, while certainly not zero, will be a loose one.
My perception has been that many audiophiles fail to recognize that point, as evidenced by how quick some are to allege lack of resolution (referring to musical resolution) as being the reason others may not hear differences when performing comparisons between various hardware.
-- Al