Richard Gray's 400 Pro = Emperor's New Clothes??

Category: Accessories

I just purchased (for $800) a Richard Gray's Power Company 400 Pro. I was not in the market for an AC filter, but when I purchased a new system the dealer gave me a hard, hard sell, promising wonders. This is a reputable dealer, so I trusted him, and he gave me a week to try it out. After using the device for a week, and after ensuring the new system (all Rotel with a Rega TT) was broken in, I followed the manufacturer's instructions to demonstrate the effectiveness of the device (ie. plug the decide into a jack on the circuit and all other components into a power strip) then pulled the plug on the 400. Nothing. Despite trying a variety of source material, I could not hear ANY difference with the 400 in or out. I do not have a tin ear and have been able to discern differences with various interconnects, etc., but this device registered no change whatsoever. I'm returning it to the dealer today. Anyone else have a similar experience? Views?
Your power solution is obviously vastly superior to mine, and I feel pretty foolish having recommended a Furman Reference to you. It represents a big improvement over the 2 (not 14) naked dedicated lines in my system, with my electricity, but I should have known better than to think our overall audio environments or level of experience have anything remotely in common. : )
Newmanoc, my comment was not aimed at your suggestion of the Furman, that comment by you was a general opinion and I welcome those. I would indeed try the Furman if I had the opportunity.

What caused me to respond was the statement "don't blame the RGPC-it's your system that’s not up to mark."

I wanted it clear that some of us have worked very hard on our systems and power supplies and (so far) power conditioners have proven worse rather than better. I print this comment fairly often at Audiogon because I think most of the high end systems here would benefit greatly from a super dedicated electrical system like I've done.

The price is certainly right, I did mine for about $3800.00 and many members have more than that already invested in conditioning that may not be needed if everything else was right.
AlbertPorter have you tried an RGPC? Does it indeed compress dynamics, slur high frequencies and alter the phase of the music as you suggest? A look at all the companies that use the RGPC technology as well as their list of customers would suggest otherwise.

My statement "don't blame the RGPC-it's your system that’s not up to mark." was only to say the the RGPC would only make a good system better and not to expect miracles from a $800 band-aid as you put it.
I know Richard Gray personally, he's been in my home several times and even repaired one of my amps. I flew him in from New Orleans and picked him up at the airport.

I know what his conditioners sound like and they are not beneficial in my situation.

My electrical has been redone all they way from the (dedicated) transformer in my alley to dedicated lines to EVERY piece of equipment. By that, I mean the four power supplies of my Aesthetix Io and Callisto have four breakers (one for EACH power cord-20 amp rated with preferential ground).

This follows every piece in the system, 14 dedicated circuits and 2 each 240 volt circuits for testing European equipment.

have you tried an RGPC? Does it indeed compress dynamics, slur high frequencies and alter the phase of the music as you suggest?

I guess I should ask: Have you maximized your electrical to the potential limit and then compared that against power conditioning? If not, you have a one sided reference and your certainty of the outcome is supported only by the fact that it IS BETTER than where you were.
I want to and will at some point get a proper dedicated line for my system, even plan to use DH Labs cables. However its very unlikely I will spend anywhere near as much as you have, which is to me more than the cost of my Bryston 4B.

The point is everyone can't or won't be able to do what you have done to the level you have done. So you may be able to say I don't need an RGPC but most of us would have to do with $800 band-aid.