As every system is different if the device works great if not don't blame the RGPC chances are its your system that’s not up to mark.
Or, some systems do not have electrical problems where the "band aid" of power conditioning is an improvement.
It would take two pages for me to list all that I did to get my electrical right. Lets just say that the stereo alone has 14 dedicated runs with preferential grounding and a 750 amp (Commercial property) Trans Socket meter from the local power company.
Seem ridiculous? Well, my electrical cost about $3800.00 to get it right, about the price of two aftermarket ultra high quality AC cords.
Lots of ways to get the power supply right, I believe it's best at the source.
I have no use for conditioners which compress dynamics, slur high frequencies and alter the phase of the music. If you have problems of operating off a terrible local electrical grid, live in an apartment or high rise where everyone in the building is beating on your stereo, then yes, maybe conditioning is preferable to having none.