MY string of experiments with no cost devices mainly around acoustic now, is related to pure ORTHODOXICAL science by Helmhotz and the other UNORTHODOX devices (ionizers and S. G. and others ) i used were also even if less spectacular in their effect very audible through my already treated room...
A STRING of continuous improvements for one year or more could not be a "placebo"...
A placebo is a valid explanation for an unstable perceptive situation...Not in acoustic where experiments could be continuously designed to falsify the first impression...Or the simplest "blind test" could be used with repetition or by accident...
It is clear that some "snake oil" product exist, but way less than more people think...Snake oil product is not separated by valid product by a STRAIGHT PERFECT line... Here is my diminushing return laws illustrated by my "drawing".. Observe the bias zone, with negative unconscious or positive learned biases, is a circle whose perimeter is related to the audiophile knowlewdge and to the gear product refine technology history itself and thirdly to the embeddings experimental control on our own hearing ability and on the way the gear is embedded rightfully or not......
This means that our capacity to perceive an upgrade and classify his real value is function of our own audiophile history in progress and our own increasing ability to perceive and is related also to the real process and history of improvements in some technology ( amplifier dac speakers)...
What is not VISIBLE on this schema is the huge action of the room acoustic....The point and sphere diameter in the center of the bias zone of diminishing return schema will then vary greatly now by a third factors the acoustical settings of the room , the electrical noise floor control of the house, and the mechanical vibratory embeddings of the gear itself...
Then do you see now where is the moving DECEPTIVE " center point" corresponding to the diminishing returns so called "law" ?
It FLUCTUATES completely for each of us even if it certainly exist...We generally are unable to control it because we dont understand nor sometimes control our own audition history neither "the plus or minus" of new gear technology, without saying a word about the 3 embeddings controls which could greatly contribute to fix for a time this unfixable point or very difficult to relatively fix and estimate...
Then this point of diminishing return is a good metaphor for a bad situation worse than we can imagine...
Audio is the way to figure out for ourself where we are in this audiophile dynamical scale map...
Rainbow dont grow legs,and dont walks to eat you and they will never do»-Groucho Marx🌈