RME ADI-2 DAC FS is it "All That", especially for under $2,000?

I am upgrading my main system with a Mark Levinson No 532H and pair of Tekton MOABs, arriving in the next few weeks. I decided my Music Hall 25.3 DAC should probably be upgraded as well, I have a PS Audio preamp I was planning on still using.

I am getting a lot of recommendations for the RME ADI-2 DAC FS, and some are saying replace my PS Audio preamp with it also. Pretty much every review or even mention of it I can find, comes with descriptions like "End Game product regardless of price" and "State of the art".

I just received a new RME DAC today, am running it balanced, in bypass mode and it has impressed out of the box, without adjustment. I would be interested to hear suggestions for adjustments.
+ I need to connect 2 Macs, but there is only one USB socket. I am thinking about 2 possibilities. I already have an external USB to SPDIF converter (a Hag USB), so could connect one source via Coax. Alternatively I get a hub, to connect both sources to the one socket. I do not want to degrade the sound and ideally would prefer not to have to switch between the two sources on the hub.

by the way, The RME feeds into a Pimare P30 pre-amp via balanced connections, in stereo bypass mode (so there is no reconversion to digital). I have active monitors, so everything has volume control.

I think you would want a USB switch instead of a hub. With a switch you can connect multiple computers to  multiple devices a hub you connect 1 computer to multiple devices. 
thanks. yes, i should have said a USB switch. presumably any of reasonable quality should suffice?

You just don't need to pay this much for what the RME does, unless you want its EQ capabilities for some reason.

Otherwise save your money can get superior, measured performance with the new Topping D90, which uses a latest generation AKM chip.