I can understand your reluctance regarding used speakers, but since gettting back in the game after a 25 year hiatus, just about all my equipment has been bought used-including speakers. And, I have never had an issue with damaged equipment.
Just ask a lot of questions and get a feel of the seller. -Is he a serious audiophile or just someone who trades equipment?
From my experience, most sellers on Agon will let you audition their equipment if you are local.
I can understand your reluctance regarding used speakers, but since gettting back in the game after a 25 year hiatus, just about all my equipment has been bought used-including speakers. And, I have never had an issue with damaged equipment.
Just ask a lot of questions and get a feel of the seller. -Is he a serious audiophile or just someone who trades equipment?
From my experience, most sellers on Agon will let you audition their equipment if you are local.