One of the things that is usually impractical to evaluate if you have limited time is, whether or not a speaker will remain relaxing and non-fatiguing over the long run. I’d like to suggest a way to check for this relatively quickly.
Assuming a speaker sounds good on your music when you sit in the sweet spot, in other words it’s obviously a strong contender, try turning up the volume a little louder than normal and walk out of the room. Listen through the open doorway but with no line-of-sight to the speakers.
From the next room, all you can hear is the tonal balance of the reflections and the dynamic contrast. If the speakers’ reflected sound (reverberant field) sounds natural, that tends to correlate well with long-term fatigue-free listening. If the dynamic contrast is also good, you might even experience a decent illusion of live music happening back in the room, outside of your line-of-site. Again, this would tend to predict long-term fatigue-free listening.
When there is a significant spectral discrepancy between the first-arrival sound and the subsequent reflections, that tends to produce listening fatigue over time. Note that live unamplified instruments have no such issues, even a fairly directional instrument like a trumpet. A live trumpet still sounds like a live trumpet from the next room.
This listening-in-another-room (L.I.A.R.) test doesn’t tell the whole story obviously, but ime it tells a part of the story that you may not have time to discover otherwise.
Enjoy The Quest, and very best of luck to you in it.