Road trip to demo $10,000 speakers

I'm going to take a several hour road trip to the Washington DC/Baltimore area to demo some speakers in the $10,000 range for a once in a lifetime purchase. I plan on listening to some Magico A3's, Aerial Acoustic 7T's, and Spendor D-9's. One of the dealers also has Paradigm Persona 3F's on the floor, so I'll take a listen to them too. While I'm up there are there any other speakers in that price range you'd recommend I try to locate and take a listen to. I'm open to and welcome your suggestions and will take the time to research each one as well.

I'm not in the market for used equipment. Thanks for any and all suggestions.


Jafant,  I'll probably be leaving early Wednesday, unless the weather is too bad.  I'll get the trip together tomorrow, with directions to get to each dealer there, a notebook that includes among other things, suggestions provided here for listening at demos, records and CD's to bring along, and making phone calls to each dealer in advance to make sure everything is in order on their end. 

I can't tell you how much I appreciate all the suggestions and information you all have provided here. Hope I can return the favor someday.

Calvinj, Evolution Audio carries Revel and I'll be stopping there. I'd like to hear Revel's F228BE if possible, which if I remember correctly, is right at my price point. 

Perfect demo cd Allen toussaints. “The Bright Mississippi” I have 1500 cds. This is the best recording in my collection. 
Yes, one final recommendation was going to be take plenty of detailed notes of your listening impressions.  The sequential experience inevitably puts the ones you hear first at a disadvantage.  After 6-8 auditions, what you heard with #1 will start to get hazy...