Rockport Avior or Magico S5

Well I am selling my Verity SarastroII and looking at the Rockport Avior or the Magico S5. From what I am hearing the Rockport's are a darker presentation than the Magico's. Both seem to have great sound stage and depth. My Sarastro's I think are more like the Magico S5's and I am thinking of going in a different direction with the system.
What do ya's think?
IMO... How many systems have you built with the Verity? I say this because you are not assured to have superior performance/preferable result from either of these speakers you are considering. Do not expect them to be unfailingly a step up. It is almost assured that at the level of sound quality you are experiencing there would be trade offs in terms of the finer aspects of performance when moving to either of these other speakers. i.e. soundstage character, treble nuances, LF cleanness and how it integrates with your room, etc. The speaker you own, as well as the others, are capable of stunning performance.

If you have not conducted several significant changes to your system, I would urge you to do so. Your speaker is a very fine product, and it can be made to sound fabulous. I certainly would not push you to part with it under the assumption that simply dropping in one of these others will transform the rig.

OTOH, you seem to know what you're doing in terms of putting a rig together; you have good gear. So, if you simply want to blow the money and try something different, it's all good.

Finally, my foremost recommendation: why suffer with one set of speakers? You seem to have some means; why not live the alternative experience and expand your harem of speakers? Keep the Verity's and go for a panel, an Omni or a horn speaker! Expand your world! You may find your musical bliss is in variety, not simply a narrow focus chasing minutia! :) I couldn't find satisfaction long term with one type of speaker even of the finest pedigree, but having variety has been THE panacea for my wanderlust in terms of speakers (i.e. flipping them in an effort to find "the One"). Something to consider. :)
Add me to the chorus who say you simply must hear them both and judge for yourself. There are it seems countless threads about Magico compared to this or that. By now the same responders are pretty much known and understood. There's just no substitute for your personal/direct listening. I've heard both brands numerous times with a variety of tube and SS amplifiers. I'd choose Rockport every time but that's me. You could prefer the polar opposite of what appeals to me. Go listen to both of them.
Good Luck,
I looked over your system and quite frankly I wouldn't sell the Verities so quickly.

I would look at upgrading the electronics and getting a unified set of cables. Also the PS power conditioners can be improved upon, and you have no room tuning.

Changing speakers may not really get you there.

I wouldn't say either the Rockports or Magiocs are really better than your vefities.
"Try" some MIT speaker cables. Then their i/c's and hear just how fine your speakers are. Your speakers aren't your weak link.
I have tried EAR, Audio Research for tubes. The speakers sound different with tubes but still not the sound I am looking for. I am open to other speakers and will listen to others at the stores I go to. I have moved up the Verity line starting with the Fidelio to the Parsifal Encore, Ovation and the Sarastro II. I think it is time to try a new speaker and take the system in a different direction more to the music I mainly listen to, rock. I stayed with the Verity line because I felt they sounded very good to excellent with all the types of music I was experimenting with, but in the long run rock wins over other types of music.
I will not buy anything I cannot listen to first.