I have a ton of tubes with poor markings on them so I gotta get them all to my tube tech to ID them properly and test them. I did swap some Mullard NOS 12AX7's in the amp and they seems to take the brightness down a fair bit. The NOS GE 5752 tubes might also help.
You are right to suggest swapping the KT90's out for KT88's or KT120, both of which I can borrow from pal. They are all compatible with the amp. I forget that the curse and blessing of tube amps is rolling tubes. The NOS tubes are pricey. Thanks for the help, my friend.
I have a ton of tubes with poor markings on them so I gotta get them all to my tube tech to ID them properly and test them. I did swap some Mullard NOS 12AX7's in the amp and they seems to take the brightness down a fair bit. The NOS GE 5752 tubes might also help.
You are right to suggest swapping the KT90's out for KT88's or KT120, both of which I can borrow from pal. They are all compatible with the amp. I forget that the curse and blessing of tube amps is rolling tubes. The NOS tubes are pricey. Thanks for the help, my friend.