Rogue Audio vs Vincent Audio


Just wanted to get opinions/suggestions on Rogue Audio vs Vincent Audio.

In particular, the Rogue Audio Sphinx V2 Vincent SV-237MK.

Heard a Rogue Sphinx demo today and it certainly sounded good hooked up to some B&W Speakers, sorry forgot to check which model but infidelity, one of their higher end speakers.

Show rooms always have good acoustics, I unfortunately have vaulted ceilings.

Anyways, wanted to see what you all have to say.

I am at the moment evaluating a Vincent Audio SV-500 which I do like very much but now the Rogue has me thinking. 

I can still return the Vincent within it's 30 days limit but have also read such good reviews of the Vincent SV-237MK, so I am wondering about that also.

Hello Everyone,

Thanks for everyone's input and suggestions.

After much thought and struggles in my head, LOL, I have finally decided to stay with the Vincent.

As I said before, the Rogue was also a very good unit but I don't know why I am attached to this Vincent now.

I think, I feel that's it's the under dog and I need to give it a chance, haha.

What I am going to concentrate on next is better interconnects, a good/decent Phono Pre-Amp and better Power Conditioner.

Right now, I am connected to a very entry level power strip.

I am thinking about getting better AC Receptacle and a decent power Conditioner unit. 

Actually, the PS Audio AC Receptacle and their Detect Power Conditioner come to mind.

Also, need to work on my room acoustics a bit.

By the way, being in Southern California and experiencing these earthquakes (had a good one tonight earlier), has me a little worried for my speakers. 

I hope they don't tip over.

Everyone here should check out the Pyle PT990A 6922 hybrid. It is as good as the Vincent and Rogue for a lot less money. No BS! Most Pyle stuff is crap but this one’s different. This 25LB beast has a decent phono and tuner along with 400VA toroidal, 30kuf cap bank running 55V rails putting out about 90wpc RMS (one can ignore the Pyle music power spec). It should easily do 150W into 4ohms. It was made from 2012 to around 2016 in the same Chinese factory that builds Cambridge Audio stuff. It listed for $750 but sells for under $200 used. Show up on flea bay every once in awhile. I couldn’t believe how good the thing sounded when I heard it at a friend’s. It beat my Van Alstine Ultra combo in detail and airiness. 
People who tell you that amps sound dramatically different have done too many mushrooms.
By the way, vaulted ceilings are a good thing.